
Gunshot Wound

Our Saviors Pork Chop Dinner

Our Saviors Lutheran Church, Westby, will celebrate spring with a community cookout fundraiser on Saturday, April 13, 2024. Food will be served from 11am to 4pm in the church fellowship hall. …

03/24 - Chase Montgomery, Plainview, Minnesota, was traveling northbound on County Road P, town of Christiana, when he came across a snowplow traveling southbound on County Road P.  Montgomery …

Museum Notes

Spring has sprung, and the Vernon County Museum and History Center is moving to its springtime hours.  During the months of April and May, we will be open Monday through Friday, 11AM to 4PM, or …

Scenic Bluffs Community Health Centers and Monroe County Health Department are pleased to announce a collaborative effort to host a community vaccine clinic on Wednesday, April 10th, from 2:00 PM to …

Village Board Meets Early in April

Wednesday’s meeting was brisk, but no meeting is complete without a few new developments. The meeting started with Cashton’s Chief of Police, Brente Knutson, stating there had been 81 …

Von Ruden Meats Wraps Up Busy Month

Von Ruden Meats, a staple of Cashton for the past 26 years, sits just outside town at 8933 Odessa Avenue. Easter may have brought in just a few more orders for ham, but March is generally the busiest …

Jolly Joiners March Meeting Report

Many of the club members arrived 15 minutes before the meeting was to start on March 3, to pick up their recently fired ceramic projects from last meeting. The meeting itself was called to order at 2 …

Take the Mystery Out of Medicare

Turning 65 soon?  Have questions about what the different parts of Medicare are and what each letter covers?  Confused about all the mail you are receiving or the commercials you see and …

03/17 - Boscobel Rescue Squad reported hitting a deer on U.S. Highway 14, town of Franklin.  No injuries were reported.  The ambulance received some minor damage but was drivable. …

Museum Notes

100 years ago, a Viola correspondent noted in the Vernon County Censor of March 19, 1924, that, “An organizer for the Ku Klux Klan has been in our midst the past few days in an effort to …

Coon Valley American Legion Awards

On Thursday evening, March 21 st , Vernon County Sheriff’s Office Sergeant Bruce Olson, 911 Communications Coordinator, received the Coon Valley American Legion Post 116 "Law Officer of the …

Students from area schools will participate in a Wisconsin School Music Association (WSMA) sanctioned District Solo & Ensemble Music Festival hosted at Cashton High School on Saturday, April 6, …

COON VALLEY, Wis. - The Coon Creek Community Watershed Council (CCCWC) recently donated $2,500 to the Knutson Memorial Library in Coon Valley to help increase awareness of conservation and …

School Board deals with a full plate

Board meetings at the village and school typically adjourn within an hour, or sometimes much sooner, but this month’s school board meeting went well over an hour, even before the closed session …

What's Up in Cashton?

This past Sunday, the Cashton Lions Club held their highly anticipated Chicken-Q in the community hall and experienced a healthy turnout despite the spring snowfall. Their proceeds went to vision …

You can’t have a dragon dance without a dragon. That was the problem weighing on  Pleasant Ridge Waldorf School  (PRWS) teacher Shihhan Chou as she prepared for Lunar New Year …

03/10 - The sheriff’s office received an alarm on a property located on Fortney Road, town of Franklin.  The property was secure and there were no visible signs of forced or attempted …

Museum Notes

In honor of Women’s History Month, today we’ll take a look at the women featured in the business directories of the 1878 Vernon County plat map.  This is our oldest plat map, and a …

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